"WE ARE ALL PART AND PARCEL OF ONE COUNTRY. And that country is of LOVE". ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Guided meditation sessions and workshops for filling heart, mind and body with joy and peace. Everyone is always welcome free of charge.

Some regard meditation as mental concentration on something; others consider that we meditate when we imagine something that gives us peace. These exercises are not really meditation – they are substitutes for meditation because it is normally very difficult to

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is designed to help you achieve a state of thoughtless awareness quickly, through the awakening of a powerful energy inside you. The ability to awaken and experience this energy quickly and easily differentiates Sahaja Yoga Meditation from
Silence is longer and peace is greater
I've tried other meditation practices, but the silence is longer and the peace and contentment is greater with Sahaja Yoga Meditation than with any other. I also love the collective nature of meditating with other seekers because it makes the experience stronger. So the social aspects of meditating with and enjoying the company of others in the group are a definite plus with Sahaja Yoga Meditation.
Many beautiful moods of meditation
"When you get to the place between your thoughts, you get to the silence, you start to feel the joy. But, you know, meditation has many moods. So sometimes it's gentle and sweet, sometimes it's blissful and joyful, sometimes it's just peaceful and sometimes you get this feeling of grace coming down and it just melts into cool. And collective meditation is the best. Coming tired from the trip, after 20 min of collective meditation I feel so rested and joyful and it has a tremendous effect."
Solution to my problems
"I started attending meetings because it was free and because I was looking for a more alternative way to help me deal with stress and anger. The instructor who leads our meditations is one of the nicest people I've ever met. She is also very in tune with her students and really does care about your progression as a person and in meditation. When the session is done I always feel a thousand times better, I feel more at ease, clear, and in tune with nature. I can't say enough good things about this meditation group or about our instructor. Try it, you'll be glad you did."
A sense of balance and peace
"You will receive a lot of efficient information on your 'mind' management through this meditation class. And it will surely affect your way to handle your life in better & more peaceful ways. The instructor generously provides this class without any charge, and even provides some useful handouts for us to have a chance to learn after the class.This class can probably be a very precious 'retreatment' to clear your mind. I highly recommend that you take this class."